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About us

The Hambach Castle Foundation

The Hambach Castle Foundation was founded on February 1, 2002 as a Foundation under public law with the goal of preserving and maintaining Hambach Castle as a significant historical site for the development of democracy in Germany and European collaboration. This is achieved primarily through our permanent exhibit in Hambach Castle, a broad event program, and offers geared to specific target groups. The benefactors are the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the city of Neustadt an der Weinstraße, the district of Bad Dürkheim, and the Palatinate District Association. The Hambach Castle Foundation is funded by the Federal German Government Commissioner for Culture and Media based on a decision passed by German Parliament.


©MdI RLP/Torsten Silz

Simone Schneider

Chairwoman of the Board

State Secretary of the Interior Rhineland-Palatinate

© Kreisverwaltung Bad Dürkheim

Hans-Ulrich Ihlenfeld

Deputy Chairman of the Board

District Administrator for the District of Bad Dürkheim


Hagen Philipp Wolf

Member of the Board

Authority of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media

© Staatskanzlei / Fotografin: Kristina Schäfer

Vanessa Fischer

Member of the Board

State Chancellery Rhineland-Palatinate

Barbara Fischer

Member of the Board

Ministry of Finance Rhineland-Palatinate

Christoph Kraus

Member of the Board

Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration Rhineland-Palatinate

© Foto-view

Theo Wieder

Member of the Board

District Association for the Palatinate region (Bezirksverband Pfalz)

© Stadt Neustadt an der Weinstraße

Marc Weigel

Member of the Board

Lord Mayor of the city of Neustadt

Advisory Board

Kurt Beck

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Former Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate

Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer

Vice Chairwoman of the Advisory Board

Former Minister of State and President of the German UNESCO Commission e.V.

Michael Garthe

Member of the Advisory Board

Editor-in-Chief "Die Rheinpfalz"

Prof. Dr. Hans Walter Hütter

Member of the Advisory Board

Chairman of the Presidium of the Foundation House of History North Rhine-Westphalia

Dr. Sabine Klapp

Member of the Advisory Board

Director of the Institute for Palatine History and Folk studies

Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller

Member of the Advisory Board

Managing Director at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Thomas Krüger

Member of the Advisory Board

President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education

Prof. Dr. Catherine Maurer

Member of the Advisory Board

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Strasbourg

Rebekka Ostrop

Member of the Advisory Board

European Youth Parliament in Germany

Dr. Simone Schelberg

Member of the Advisory Board


Dr. Hubert Wajs

Member of the Advisory Board

Director of the Historical Archive in Warsaw


Ulrike Dittrich

Executive Manageress

Irina Elert

Deputy Manageress

Dr. Kristian Buchna

Research Associate

Charlotte Dietz

Press, Public Relations, Museum Education, Homepage

Tobias Wagner

Visitor Services

Eva Riemer

Secretariat, Administration

Tanja Scharnewski
Christine Sitrin
Olaf Watzek
Annette Armbrust-Smith

Shop, Cash Desk & Exhibition

Christian Hoch
Kai Herrmann

House Technician / Janitor

Anke Bourdos
Heidi Spiegel
Solveig Pfeifer



Mission Statement

The Hambach Castle Foundation was founded on February 1, 2002 as a Foundation under public law with the goal of preserving and maintaining Hambach Castle as a significant historical site for the development of democracy in Germany and European collaboration. In its mission statement, it names those values and methods with which it would like to reach these goals.


Hambach Castle is regarded as the cradle of German democracy. On May 27, 1832, around 30,000 people gathered on the mountain of Hambach Castle to advocate for civil liberties, rule of law, national unity, and European solidarity. Based on the example of the Hambach Festival, it is evident that in German history, democratic accomplishments, such as freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of association, were achieved and defended with courage and commitment. The participation of men and women of all classes from Germany, Poland, and France made the Hambach Festival one of the first political rallies on German soil and documents at the same time the early pursuit of equality, participation, and international understanding. The black–red–gold flag that was hoisted here for the first time became the epitome of freedom, unity, and democracy in Germany. We feel obliged to this historical legacy.


As the Hambach Castle Foundation, we act with the awareness that our democracy was struggled and fought for and that it constantly must be defended, designed, and lived anew. We stand for the liberal–democratic basic order of the Federal Republic of Germany and for democracy as a way of life, which requires action based on values. We therefore stand for the unreserved respect for the dignity of every person, for individual freedom and collective responsibility, and for a coexistence based on solidarity within our society and within Europe. We stand for respect and tolerance in mutual dealings, for cultural participation and inclusion, for freedom of expression and controversy in debates, and for civil courage and determination in rejecting inhumane, anti-democratic, and chauvinistic views.


Hambach Castle is a cultural meeting point for all citizens. As a place for democratic and European recollection, learning, and communication, we would like to create open rooms and forums in order to strengthen through discussions the affiliation with democracy and with Europe.

This happens:

  • in our permanent exhibit open all year round about the Hambach Festival and in changing exhibits;
  • in events that encourage debate about the past, present, and future of our democracy and Europe;
  • during tours on various topics about Hambach Castle;
  • in workshops on historical–political topics for school classes;
  • through the constant expansion of the museum’s education offer for different target groups;
  • through barrier-free access to the castle and exhibit;
  • in the form of a diverse culture and event program;
  • through broad networking at regional, national, and European levels with partners in the areas of culture and education and society at large.
Foundation statutes

On May 27, 1832, thousands of freedom-loving citizens from all parts of Germany celebrated the Hambach Festival at Hambach Castle.

Regardless of origin, social standing, or nationality, they advocated for the unity of Germany in a Europe united in solidarity and for fundamental democratic rights and freedoms. This peaceful demonstration for the freedom and unity of Germany is now regarded as a milestone en route toward the unity of Germany, and Hambach Castle is referred to as the cradle of German democracy.

With many events and the permanent exhibit, the Hambach Castle Foundation wants to continue to show to future generations the living conditions of the people in the first half of the 19th century and the ideas and visions in the early days of this momentous time.

The goal of the Foundation is to illustrate the tremendous significance of the Hambach Festival on May 27, 1832 for the development of democracy and the rule of law in Germany and the path to a cosmopolitan and tolerant Europe; to preserve Hambach Castle because of its cultural importance as an architectural monument; to maintain and expand the permanent exhibit; and to contribute to enliven this historical site with a range of diverse activities.

Hambach Castle is a crucial place of recollection for the history of German and European democracy and civil liberties. The use of the site must therefore comply with the peaceful, liberal, and supportive spirit of the Hambach Festival, and this must be done with the underlying liberal and democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the district of Bad Dürkheim, the Palatinate District Association, and the city of Neustadt an der Weinstraße are, in this spirit, establishing a legally responsible Foundation under public law that is to have the following Statutes:

Section 1 Name, Location, and Legal Form
  1. The name of the Foundation is Hambacher Schloss (Hambach Castle).
  2. The Foundation is headquartered in Neustadt an der Weinstraße.
  3. The Foundation is legally responsible under public law.
Section 2 Purpose of the Foundation
  1. The purpose of the Foundation is to preserve and maintain Hambach Castle as a significant historical site for the development of democracy in Germany and European collaboration and notably to perform historical–political mediation work in the spirit of democracy, human dignity, tolerance, and international understanding.
  2. The main tasks of the Foundation are
    1. To preserve Hambach Castle as a cultural landmark;
    2. To maintain and further develop the permanent exhibit;
    3. To plan and carry out events expedient to the Foundation’s purpose;
    4. To contribute by way of other actions, events, and projects to the revitalization and care of this historical site pursuant to a Code of Conduct to be issued by the Board of the Foundation.
Section 3 Non-profit Status
  1. The Foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section on “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Tax Code.
  2. The Foundation is a non-profit organization and therefore does not pursue its own economic and financial interests. The Foundation’s funds may only be used for the purposes outlined in the Statutes.
  3. The Foundation may not favor any person through expenditures that are different from the purpose of the Foundation or through disproportionately high benefits.
Section 4 Foundation Assets
  1. The assets of the Foundation consist of
    1. Hambach Castle, Katasteramt Neustadt an der Weinstraße, plot section no. 2856, and the properties with the plot section numbers 2857; (Schlossberg without Kreisstraße) and 2859/142 (pressure-boosting system);
    2. the exhibit objects previously made available on permanent loan from the state and
    3. other contributions to the Foundation’s assets.
  2. The funds of the Foundation pursuant to para. 1, no. 3 are to be invested profitably in accordance with the principles of sound financial management.
Section 5 Foundation Funds
    1. The Foundation fulfills its tasks from:

      1. the revenues of the Foundation’s assets;
      2. money from admission tickets and other proceeds;
      3. other grants and donations, provided these are not earmarked for the Foundation’s assets;
      4. the annual donation of the benefactors.

These are donations from:
the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the amount of € 200,000;
the Palatinate District Association in the amount of € 16,666;
the district of Bad Dürkheim in the amount of € 16,666;
the city of Neustadt an der Weinstraße in the amount of € 16,666.

  1. The benefactors use the opportunity of federal funding for Hambach Castle. Grants from the federal government are credited against the state’s share up to € 75,000, as determined in more detail by the benefactors.
  2. The donations from the benefactors pursuant to para. 1 no. 4 will be increased every three years. The increase is based on the sum of the annual salary increases of the last three years. There is no obligation on the part of the benefactors to make additional contributions to the Foundation over and above the contributions specified in the respective budget plan.
Section 6 Foundation Board
    1. The Board consists of
      • Four representatives from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate;
      • The chairperson of the Palatinate District Association;
      • The district administrator of the district of Bad Dürkheim;
      • The mayor of the city of Neustadt an der Weinstraße;
      • A representative of the federal government.

If a member of the Foundation’s Board is prevented from attending a meeting, they may arrange a stand-in from the local body (executive) they represent.

  1. The chairperson and the deputy of the Foundation’s Board are elected by the Board from among its members; the chairperson is recommended by the state.
  2. The members of the Foundation perform their work on a volunteer basis. They are eligible to be reimbursed for any necessary costs and expenses they incur.
  3. The Board can be convened in writing by the chairperson as required, subject to a notice period of two weeks at which time the agenda is also disclosed.
  4. The Board constitutes a quorum if more than half of its members are present. Decisions of the Board are adopted by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the casting vote. The representative of the German government has a veto right in personnel matters relating to employees who perform duties comparable to those of senior civil servants. Decisions on budgetary matters are to be made in agreement with the representative of the federal government. With the consent of all members of the Board, decisions may also be adopted by circulation procedure.
  5. The Board manages the Foundation. In particular, the Board
    1. Manages the assets and the facilities of the Foundation;
    2. Draws up the budget;
    3. Submits the annual financial statement;
    4. Prepares the activity report;
    5. Appoints and discharges a managing director;
    6. Adopts amendments to the Statutes; for Statute amendments, a three-fourths majority suffices, and amendments to Section 2 must be unanimous;
    7. Draws up a Code of Conduct and Rules of Procedure.
  6. The Foundation is represented in and out of court by the chairperson of the Board of the Foundation. They can grant the Managing Director power of attorney.
Section 7 Foundation Advisory Board
  1. The Board of the Foundation can convene an Advisory Board for the duration of five years. Reappointment and early removal for important reasons are permitted.
  2. The Foundation’s Advisory Board elects a chairperson from among its members. The person who is elected chairperson must receive most of the votes of the Advisory Board members.
  3. The Advisory Board advises the Board of the Foundation on fulfilling its tasks and the design of Hambach Castle as a historical monument.
  4. The members of the Advisory Board work on a volunteer basis. They are entitled to be reimbursed for the necessary costs and expenses they incur.
Section 8 Foundation Supervisory Authority

The Foundation is subject to government supervision according to the applicable laws governing foundations.

Section 9 Audit
    1. The audit is performed by the Ministry of Finance.
    2. The audit of the business and economic management by the Court of Auditors of Rhineland-Palatinate) remains unaffected.
Section 10 Disposal of Assets

In the event of the dissolution of the Foundation, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate assumes the rights and obligations of the Foundation.

Section 11 Liability

Liability for the Board and Management of the Foundation is limited to gross negligence and intent.

Section 12 Entry into Force

The Statutes entered into force retroactively on January 1, 2002.

An amendment to the Statutes entered into force on September 3, 2007.

Another amendment to the Statutes was adopted on February 5, 2010 by the Board and entered into force on February 24, 2010 with the legal recognition of the Foundation Supervisory Authority (Ministry of the Interior and for Sport of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate). Another amendment to the Statutes was adopted on March 20, 2014 by the Board and entered into force on June 5, 2014 by the legal recognition of the Foundation Supervisory Authority (Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Infrastructure of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate). Another amendment to the Statutes was adopted by the Board on November 19, 2020 and entered into force on 15 December 15, 2020 with the legal recognition of the Foundation Supervisory Authority (Ministry of the Interior and for Sport of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate).